Latest Past Events

Yoga, Core, & More

CSUN Student Recreation Center / VIRTUAL

Yoga Core & More fuses traditional sun salutations with challenging poses that activate your core muscles while utilizing various pieces equipment such as kettlebells, dumbbells and mini bands. Other items such as canned goods, gallon water jugs, and filled backpacks can also be used. ZOOM class


Yoga, Core, & More

CSUN Student Recreation Center / VIRTUAL

Yoga Core & More fuses traditional sun salutations with challenging poses that activate your core muscles while utilizing various pieces equipment such as kettlebells, dumbbells and mini bands. Other items such as canned goods, gallon water jugs, and filled backpacks can also be used. ZOOM class


Yoga, Core, & More

CSUN Student Recreation Center / VIRTUAL

Yoga Core & More fuses traditional sun salutations with challenging poses that activate your core muscles while utilizing various pieces equipment such as kettlebells, dumbbells and mini bands. Other items such as canned goods, gallon water jugs, and filled backpacks can also be used. ZOOM class